Saturday, 28 January 2012

Concrete Angel Drama

Last week we went to Mullingar, Co.Westmeath to preform our Drama in the Briery Gap All Ireland Transition Year Festival.
We wrote the script ourselves which was based on 'Concrete Angel' by Martina McBride and 'How to save a life' by The Fray. It dealt with the hugely important issue of child abuse.
I was very nervous on stage, but the second it was over I wanted to do it all over again. It was unbelievably fun and there really was NOTHING to be nervous about!
We're hoping to get through to the next round of the competition in Cork, fingers crossed! We will find out in about 2 weeks ... so I'll let you know then!
Thanks for reading!

Fighting Words

On the 14th of December we headed into Dublin to go to a Fighting Words Workshop. 
It basically is a creative writing workshop that was very good. When we arrived we all sat down and 2 girls from our class were called out for a short role play which we then turned into a creative wighting piece. 
Afterwards we sat at desks and were told to continue working on the unfinished piece ourselves. I have to admit, I only got about a paragraph written as I was to preoccupied looking around me. There were bookshelves all around me built into the walls with very interesting titles that I hadn't even heard of before!
Over all it was a great day :)
All the girls enjoyed it, Thank you Ms.B for organising the trip!