Friday 4 May 2012

My New Geography Project (Part 3)

This week I have decided to post on Jelly Fish as Leonardo DiCaprio was bitten by a Jellyfish on his right upper arm.

Here are 5 facts I have learnt about Jellyfish:
 - Jellyfish lived on Earth before dinosaurs
 - Jellyfish have tiny stinging cells in their tentacles to stun/paralyse their prey before they eat them.
 - They eat and discard waste from the one opening
 - As jellyfish squirt water from their mouths they are propelled forward.
 - Some jellyfish are clear in colour. Others are pink, yellow, blue, and purple.
 - They eat fish, shrimp, crabs, tiny plants, and smaller jellyfish.
picture source

Jellyfish are particularly common in The Pacific Ocean. Here are 10 facts I learnt about it this week:
 - It's the largest ocean on earth. It covers 30% of the earth's surface
 - The Pacific Ocean’s name has an original meaning of ‘peaceful sea’.
 - The Mariana Trench in the Pacific is the deepest known area of the Earth’s oceans.
 - It contains about 25000 different islands.
 - It is surrounded by the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area with a many of active volcanoes.
 - It has 91 major ports and harbours
 - It is more than five times the diameter of the Moon.
 - The Pacific Ocean is currently shrinking due to plate tectonics, while the Atlantic Ocean is increasing in size, by roughly 2–3 cm/yr on 3 sides
 - Water temperatures in The Pacific Ocean vary from freezing to 30 °C
 - The Pacific Ocean developed from the Panthalassic Ocean following the breakup of Pangea.


I wanted to put this in too because I think its so cute!

 My sources:
Facts on The Pacific Ocean

Anyone think they know what I'm linking Jellyfish to for next weeks blog?

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